THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV OPEN β TEST - Xbox Clips & Screenshots
Live on Twitch:
  • Publisher: PLAION GmbH
  • Developer: SNK CORPORATION
  • Release date: 04/28/2023

The aim of this test is to improve the online quality for THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV. Non-Xbox Live Gold members may also play so please join. Open Beta Test Details: -Game Contents Game Balance: Utilizes Balance Update Ver. 1.71 Useable Characters: Players may use all currently available 54 characters including purchased DLC characters. -Testing Period From 8PM April 27th PDT to 7:59AM April 30th PDT (From 3AM April 28th UTC to 2:59PM April 30th UTC) *Please understand that the game may not function properly during this test. *An online connection is necessary to participate in this OBT. *This game cannot be played outside of the testing period. *Save data will not transfer when the official game launches. *Testing details are subject to change at any time.

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